Thursday, October 4, 2012

it's all a little too much

I cried tonight. I cried because tomorrow is Friday and because the thought of makes me cringe.  I cried because when I called work to explain that "I distinctly remember asking for Sunday off" and the response I got was that "That's a blackout day because it's Columbus weekend so you'll have to find someone to cover your shift" was not what I wanted to hear. I'm sick of missing out on what feels like everything just because of work. I'm sick of the feeling of loneliness that overtakes my body and mind when I'm up doing homework in the wee hours because goddammit, I procrastinated. I cried because I miss my sister and my brother and my dad. I cried because I no longer have a dentist because my dad never paid the bill. I cried because when I looked in the fridge this morning, there was next to nothing and I will go broke from buying school lunch every single day. I cried because I'm overtired and I'm overwhelmed and at the moment, life seems like a little too much to handle. And those last few tears I cried were because I'm surrounded by a lot of love and soon that love will win and I will be happy again.