Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm Thankful...

~for my crazy puppy who is 40 pounds of pure love and who manages to get cuter every day.
~for "no shave november." That's all I have to say about that one.
~for my teachers who deprive me of sleep but in turn are giving me a bang-up education. 
~for my job which is a consistent source of income and which has taught me a lot about hard work. 
~for the sun that rises each morning and sets each night and never ceases to amaze me with its beauty. 
~for my body and my mind and the resilience that both possess.
~for my friends who keep me laughing and who always catch me when I fall. 
~for my parents who always remind me of my potential and who never let me give up. 
~for Bruces' Burritos for fulfilling my constant need for Mexican food.
~for snow--yippee!
~for this blessed life

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