Tuesday, August 28, 2012

on why this has been the best summer of my life

In August, I often take some time to reflect on my summer--the good, the bad and all that falls in between. And, upon reflection, I almost always declare that "this was the best summer of my life." But thinking back to all the summers that I can actually remember, I'm pretty sure this really has been my favorite summer. It has been a two month long celebration of all that is good in life. It feels like June was eons ago, yet I also feel like summer has flown by. It's overwhelming really, the gratefulness I feel for this life. I love the balance I had, between work and play. My work in July was play and my work in August was certainly not play, but it was balanced out by play. I made it out to Cliff Island this summer, where I relived my childhood; Chebeague, where I created eternal memories; and Peaks, where I explored new territory. I went camping three times (more this summer than in the past ten years)--on a beach, in the woods and in a field. I fell in love with the ocean all over again, with the earth beneath my feet and with the sun that browned my skin. I sat around campfires after barbecues and through laughter and tears, shared my heart with friends. I ate out way more than I should have and I biked around town aimlessly, because I could. I pushed aside my fears, worries and burdens and I lived big. I enjoyed myself this summer.

I ended this summer with a plethora of goodbyes. A few of my closest friends have left for great adventures. I miss them already, but know they are where they need to be at this stage in their life. The pessimist in me wonders if our promises of lifelong friendships will be kept, but my head tells me "of course you will keep them!" and my heart tells me that either way, I'm better for having known them.

I begin my senior year in just one day. I don't know whether to be horrified or overjoyed at how fast time seems to be flying. Wasn't I just a freshman yesterday? I'm mostly excited. This is a significant chapter of my life and I want to live it well. My main goal for this year though? Laughter. To quote Daughtry, "All that I'm after is a life full of laughter."

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