Sunday, November 7, 2010


Definition (courtesy of Urban Dictionary):

6. Sunday
the most boring day of the week. Also a sad day many people dread, because school/work is the next day, on Monday. It is also the day people get their homework done, last minute.

If you were to ask every kid in my school to define "Sunday", I can guarantee you that 99.9% of them would agree with the definition above. Even I agree, partially. It is the day to get homework done last minute, but I don't dread it as much as most people do and I don't find it all that boring. When I submit MY definition of "Sunday" to Urban Dic, it will say:

Sunday: "The "ME" day. The day most kids dread, but the day that I am at peace with everything. The day where I mentally and physically prepare myself for a busy week. The day where I drink excessive amounts of green tea, stay in yoga pants or jammies all day, do all the homework that I didn't do on Friday or Saturday because I was too busy having fun, clean my room, do my laundry and clear my mind. The day where I really don't do much other than be a homebody and be calm."

Enjoy your Sunday for whatever it may be worth to you.

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