Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ah, Monday. + A Post Edit.

Monday will be here in approximately one hour. This weekend flew by. It was a happy weekend. I feel like I'm on vacation but nooooooo, I still have three more days of school. Three days that I am REALLY not looking forward to. I wish there was something exciting happening these next few days to get me through but I honestly can't think of anything. I am so ready for Christmas right about now and all I want for Christmas is snow. Will the snow gods grant my wishes? I sure as hell hope so because it's not Christmas if the snow don't fall....

Happy Monday. (Even though my Monday sure won't be happy, I sincerely hope yours is.)

Post Edit:
Monday has come. And with brought snow. SNOW! Monday answered all my wildest dreams. Now, if only it would continue for the next 120 hours, I would be one happy girl. In the meantime, I'd like to live in the moment and celebrate the fact that I am now one day closer to Christmas break and the fact that it's a winter wonderland outside AND Henry is coming home one day early...which means he'll be here tonight! Yippee!

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