Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goodbye and Hello.

2010 is over. Gone forever. There's no turning back now. However, 2010 deserves a proper goodbye. So, this post is dedicated to you, 2010--A big fat "thank you" for everything you've done.

When I look back on the 365 days that made up this past year, so many thoughts race through my head. This year was full of laughter, transformation, changes, realizations, revelations, soul-searching and joy. There sure were some trials--some moments where all I wanted to do was give up. (Quite a few actually…but that’s only human, right?) But, 2010 taught me to take each day at a time and appreciate every little moment I have in this Life. Want a little review of my year? Yeah? Okay here it is.

I honestly don't have much recollection of the first few months. I remember surviving my first set of high school mid-year exams, doing some skiing and getting a new cell phone. Those weren't very exciting months for me. In April I was scheduled to leave for France (with a school group) on the 17th but the trip was postponed to June due to the volcano in Iceland that created ash clouds that covered Europe and created serious havoc in airports. We ended up leaving June 20th, the day after school got out for the summer. It was perfect. Our minds were free of scholarly thoughts, the weather was wonderful, everyone was in good spirits, we packed a LOT into the time we had there and an amazing time was had by all.

On July 1st, I took a huge step out of my comfort zone and ended up having one of the best experiences of my life. I traveled to the beautiful island of Vinalhaven with a happy little family of five--and no, this was not my family. It was Julia and Barney's family which included three beautiful littles; Elsie, Anna and Faye. I knew them quite well. They live in my town and I had babysat for their girls for about two years before they asked me to join them on their island adventures. For a month, I lived in the "Poor Farm" with them. I got a good taste of what 24/7 parenting is like. Julia was almost always with me (which was a blessing!) so together with the girls we explored the beautiful island by going on various adventures and hikes, we went boating, swimming (in the ocean and the quarries), picnicking, walking and we did a heck of a lot of playing/entertaining.

Frankly, the month that I spent with them was one of the most challenging months of my life. However, it was also one of the most rewarding, beautiful and life-changing months. Not only did I learn how to turn a 2, 4 or 6 year old's frown upside down, change a diaper in a matter of seconds, keep in my swear-words, be patient, discipline fairly and cook for five, but I also learned so much about myself and that is a big part of what I took away from all of this.

When you are put in a place without cell service, television and internet (so, basically away from society altogether), you are bound to learn to enjoy the peace and serenity. It was a big change for me--checking Facebook daily to not at all--but it was the best thing for me. Sure, I was away from society, but I was also away from my family and my closest friends. It was a strange feeling. It was a good feeling, though. I had nobody to look over me--I was forced to think on my own, grow up a little. Because I didn't have any of the distractions that modern day technology brought me, I relied on my mind for entertainment. It was early in the morning, as the sun streamed through the windows onto my face, and late at night, when the house was silent (aside from the occasional passing of a ghost), that I was completely alone with my thoughts. I had moments like I've never had before. I had the time to assess so many parts of my life, the people in it and myself as a being. I wrestled with the rougher thoughts and turned them into something beautiful. The stars must have been aligned when I got this wonderful offer because I know that it was meant to be--I was meant to be thrown a reality check and a big wake-up call. I'm grateful. Oh and one last thing about Vinalhaven...I turned fifteen while I was there! I couldn't have been in a better place to turn another year older!

August was filled with lots of field hockey...camp for a week and then pre-season for two weeks. September 1st marked the start of a new school year which is, as of this week, half way over. Thank god. But, the best part of August? Getting my drivers permit! It took me most of the fall to get back into the routine of school and homework and all that jazz but I must say it felt good to be back in the swing of things. December brought a nice trip to Montreal (that deserves it's own post), some snow and my favorite of all, some serious bonding with my sister.

2010 made me a happier person and just thinking about that makes me happy. I learned a lot this year and I have even more to learn...which is why 2011 is here. Hooray for another year! Happy 2011, y'all.

Note: I have no clue why this post took so long...perhaps it was my scattered thoughts that took a long time to compile...or maybe it's that I was just plain old neglecting bloggy.

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