Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday Blues

I would say "Monday Blues" but it's not Monday, it's Tuesday, as I'm sure you know. But, it feels like Monday. And it feels blah. I feel blah. I'm tired. I need a little pick-me-up. I'm about to go babysit. Hopefully my girlies smiling faces will cheer me up (and not do the opposite...because sometimes young children have that wonderful effect of turning you into a grumpy grouch.)

I forgot how tiring school days are. Maybe it will snow sometime in the next few days. A lot. Like, enough for a snow day. But it's highly unlikely. Oh well.

I can't wait to make it over the hump tomorrow. (And freeze my @$$ off skiing tomorrow evening.) Yes, I just used "@$$" for "ass". Hahahah.

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