Monday, January 24, 2011

A Happy Start to the Week.

Last Friday was a snow day. I love snow days. They make me so happy. Jess came over for some ramen, tater tots, pizza and chocolate milk. (We eat sooo healthily.) We watched The Notebook. Then we napped. Then we chatted. Then we went to bed. Ideal snow day activities? I think so.

Saturday, my mom and I did some spring, wait, no...winter cleaning. Felt good. Then we forced ourselves to go to the gym. I got an hour or so of much needed exercise in. Also felt good. Saturday night I was at my dad's. We watched The Kids Are All Right which was a great movie, IF YOU'RE NOT WATCHING IT WITH YOUR FATHER AND STEP MOM. I'm telling you, these movies really need a warning on the cover that goes something like this: "This movie contains multiple sex scenes, including some lesbian sex and quite a bit of foul language. Don't watch with parents." The story was cute though and the acting was good.

Sunday was relaxing. I cleaned my room at my dad's. My room there never really gets messy since I don't have many of my belongings there but it does get DUSTY which is just nasty. A little of this did the trick. In the afternoon, Jess and our friend Helena and I went to see No Strings Attached.

Quite honestly, the trailed doesn't do the movie justice. The only reason I wanted to see it was because I realized (after seeing Black Swan) just how great of an actress Natalie Portman is and I was curious to see how things would go with Ashton Kutcher who, despite his hotness, is not someone you would expect to see acting right alongside Portman. It turned out to be one of the best chick flicks I've seen in a long time! It's funny, flirty and cute! It was interesting to see Portman play such a light role after Black Swan, but she definitely rocked it. Kutcher was just adorable. Go see it. You'll agree.

Today I didn't have to be at school until 9:30 to take my last exam which, lucky for me, was just my art final. It is SO incredibly cold here. We're talkin' negatives. Made for a numbing walk home from school. Luckily I had four amigos to join me on the journey. Then I got to cook lunch for them. Then we had a tea party. Then they all left for track practice and since skiing was canceled (see the second and third sentence of this paragraph), I'm in for the night. Something about this cold weather makes me want to never leave the house and I'm okay with that.

I'm ready for things to get back to normal. Now that Henry and Lucy are gone, my mom and I feel like empty nesters but at the same time, we're realizing that it's time return to our usual routines. Plus, exams are over and a new semester is beginning. This will be good.

[Regarding my original fun weekend plans: Things changed. (They always seem to!) But, on the bright side, that little get-together will be rescheduled. And, I've already made plans for this coming weekend. I'm suddenly planning things in advance...oh my! What fun!]

Have a happy week. And don't freeze your tush off...because then that would make two frozen tushes, mine being the first.

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