Friday, February 18, 2011

I wish I could come up with witty titles.

Most bloggers are great at coming up with a creative, catchy title for their posts...but I have nothing. Maybe that comes with time.

Anyway, I am on vacation. No, not like go-somewhere-really-warm-and-sunny vacation but like...I-won't-be-at-school-all-next-week type of thing. I am devoting this break to sleep and crafts because with the two of them, life can't get any better. [Except if my friends were around to do those two things with me...then it could.]

In addition to crafting and sleeping I will be spending abnormal amounts of time on this site. I just can't get enough.

Tonight I am off to the land of old people...aka my grandparents house. I adore them and can't wait to spend the evening with them+my kooky uncle+his wonderful girl friend+my mom. Should be a good night!

Happy weekending.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Think I can, I think I can.

I'm chugging along like the little engine that could. School is getting harder, teachers are giving more homework and the number of hours of sleep I get are plummeting. But I'm making it. I will survive this. Somewhere beneath my negative feelings towards my monotonous life I have a little ounce of optimism and that is just what is getting me through. I've learned to laugh at the little things lately because laughing always makes things better...even math class. February vacation begins at 2:12 on Friday afternoon and I'm looking forward to it. I have no plans whatsoever but I think that's exactly what I need right now. It will be good.

In 20 minutes it will be Thursday. Good lord. I better get started on my homework.

Nighty night.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yep. Mhmm.

It was two weeks ago today that I posted about my "Tuesday Blues." Tuesday Blues must be like...a real thing, 'cause I'm feelin' them again today. Waking up Monday morning is usually painful for me but after the initial shock of "Holy-shit-it's-6am-and-I'm-awake-amd yesterday at this time I was in a deep sleep" I feel energized and ready for a fresh new week. Tuesday mornings are when it hits me that there are still four more full days of school before I get another break. Is it bad that I count down the days before each weekend? I have a feeling I'm not the only one who's not totally enjoying school right now.

It's been snowing quite a bit lately (a foot last week, resulting in a snow day on Wednesday) and I think I am already suffering from a little cabin fever. Life seems to be moving slowly...but I guess now is the time that I should enjoy this slow pace because (if what everyone says is true) before I know it, I'll be graduating from high school and eventually college.

There's so much more I wish that I could go into tonight but I have textbooks sitting in front of me just yelling "STUDY ME, STUDY ME!"

Oh yeah and tomorrow? Tomorrow I'll be making this delicious thing to celebrate a life and a few other things with some friends. Something to look forward to as I head into Hump Day!