Thursday, May 26, 2011


This is our babe. I already feel this immense amount of love radiating from my heart for her. I feel like an expectant mother, so excited and anxious to meet her little and so already in love. I am looking forward to snuggling and kissing this sweet ball of joy and to watching how much happiness she will bring into our home. Saturday will mark a special day in my life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

SO much excitement.

I'm really happy today. Like full grin for a few hours straight happy. We're getting a puppy. On Saturday. This decision was spontaneous and I definitely didn't expect it. Which is what makes it fun. Life is sooo good right now. Oh and we're getting an electric lawnmower tomorrow. I'm super excited for some reason.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I woke up sandwiched between my two best friends to the sound of birds tweeting, a lawnmower mowing and a ray of sunshine blinding my eyes. After a dreary seven days of rain, I was in pure bliss.

I forgot to mention that when I woke up, I was still sleepy. So, I did what any person might do on a Saturday morning--I went right back to sleep. I was awoken at 11:30 by a phone call from a friend. I groggily made plans and after a few minutes of morning stretches and a some yawning, I hauled my body out of bed. I skipped breakfast this morning and instead packed a picnic lunch.

A friend picked us up and we headed to one of my favorite little beaches. We unrolled a huge wool blanket and laid it down on the rocks. We sat Indian-style while munching on a delicious lunch and enjoying each others company.

The sea breeze swept across our bodies, luring me towards the water. I kicked my sandals off, rolled up my jeans and waded in. The refreshing, salty water stung my legs; a sensation that I had been missing for months.

By the time we got home, the sun had gotten even hotter and put all of us in a trance. The four of us lay on the driveway, the black tar practically burning our backs and the bright sun keeping us from opening our eyes. I felt so content, perhaps the most content I had felt in weeks. In a brief moment of silence, I announced, "Life is SO good." There I was, lying on the ground, surrounded by friendship, laughter, happiness and sunshine--what's better than that?--and I realized, this is why I do it. This is why I have my bad days, so good days like today seem like a gift. If every day were wonderful, at some point I wouldn't consider them wonderful anymore. I recognize these special moments, both verbally and in writing, so when I hit a bump on the road of life (which I'm sure I'll do this coming week, maybe even tomorrow...) I can look back and say to myself, "You do have good days! You had a good day last Saturday! You'll have another one soon if you keep pushing through! Your life is so good!"

Tonight, I will go to bed feeling happy, lucky and oh so grateful for this precious life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's going.

I'm trying desperately not to let the weather this week ruin my mood. I haven't seen sunshine since Saturday but surprisingly I think I'm okay with that. I've enjoyed having a reason to wear rain boots to school and my thick Patagonia under a rain coat. And although I would love to be out taking in vitamin D and enjoying some warmth, it's been nice to relax indoors with a cup of tea and some soft music. The week has felt slow in some ways but we're already over the hump! Only two more days until another fun-filled weekend and I think I'll survive. Oh and a major plus this week? Seeing my brother with his girl. It is SO CUTE, I can barely take it!

Happy Wednesday and good job making it over the hump. Life is going.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Today we picked my big brother up at college. The minute we got in the car my mom and I questioned him about his girlfriend. We wanted to know everything.

Mom: It sounds like you really like her, yeah?
Henry: Mom, I'm in love.
Mom: Honey, that's great. Do you say "I love you"?
Henry: Yeah, all the time.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, I studied his angular, scratchy and unshaven face, the face I haven't seen since Christmas. I missed his subtle, dry humor and his deep caveman voice more than I had thought. And it absolutely melted my heart to hear my big brother say that he is in love.


I went to the grocery store yesterday. We go quite often but this time we were only there so my mom could pick up some medication. We stood in line at the pharmacy. The adorable man in front of us, who must have been in his late 80's or 90's, was cracking jokes with the cashier. He reminded me of my grandfather; still trying to grasp those last few moments of independence.

The lady behind us tapped one foot repetitively, clearly in a hurry, muttering words to herself under her breath. I started casually conversing with my mom, discussing our current health care situation. Although completely serious, I said in a joking tone that I'd better get a check-up in with my doctor before we no longer have health care in a few months. My mom made some remark about my father but what struck me is the response that the woman standing behind us had. She chimed in instantly saying, "I'm in the same boat. My daughter doesn't have health insurance. I just lost my job. I'm back in school. I feel like such a let down." She then went on to tell us about how her daughter was graduating that night.

For a moment, I didn't feel so sad. That may seem weird considering this complete stranger had just shared a glimpse of her struggles. But the truth is, I suddenly no longer felt alone. I realized that it is not just me and my family enduring hard times. We are among millions suffering, but it's easy to forget that until you hear it straight from a stranger at the grocery store. So thank you, stranger, for reminding me that we're all in this together and that we must focus on the joys in life because that's what life is all about.

“Nobody has it easy, everybody has problems. You don’t know what they go through. Nobody is perfect, nobody deserves to be perfect. So before you start judging, criticizing, or mocking, remember everybody is fighting their own war.”— Unknown

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, Mama.

5786 days ago you brought me into this world. That's perhaps the greatest gift you've given me; life. Of course I appreciate all of the material goods you've provided me with over the years but I think what I'll remember most when I'm on my deathbed is the amount of love that your big heart has shared with me. You're my rock, that place where I go to when I'm feeling sad or have a big secret to tell or I just feel like getting some lovin'. I have this deep, unwavering bond with your soul that I'll never have with another being. I thank you for all you have done and I love you with all my heart. Happy Mother's Day, Sweet Mama!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


"In three words
I can sum up everything
I've learned about life.
It goes on..."
~Robert Frost

Monday, May 2, 2011


Here's a "mupdate." A Monday update.

In case you didn't know, it's Monday. And I'm sick. I went to bed with a slightly sore throat and woke up in agony! Such a lovely surprise on a Monday morning. Thank god for this stuff and good ol' H20. My throat no longer kills but I still have some pure manliness to my voice.

Anyway, yesterday was a blast. I hiked Tuckerman's Ravine in NH with some friends. Four and a half miles up, four and a half down. Not going to lie here, going up was brutal. There is still a ton of snow on the trail and it was steep. But when we finally made it to the top after two and a half hours of hiking, I was blown away by the sight. Pure, unadulterated, beautiful nature all resting before my own eyes. The sun shone and there was a multitude of happy, friendly souls roaming around the trails and the ravine at the top. After spending some time at the top watching people ski, basking in the sunlight, eating PB&J's, chatting with strangers, petting brave dogs and enjoying the scenery, I had completely forgotten how much I hated hiking up. My legs are sore and my throat is dry but it was totally worth it.

Happy Monday!