Saturday, June 4, 2011

One week.

Exactly one week ago, we brought our sweet pup home. It's been one CRAZY seven days but despite the lunacy of it all, it's been a really special time in my life. There have been tears, early mornings, rugs saturated with pee and some minor annoyances but there has also been an immense amount of love and happiness in the air. So, as a way for me to remember this time, I'm writing a letter. A letter to the little girl who has changed my life.

Dear Stellaluna,

First off, I'm sorry that we've changed your name so many times. I kno
w it must be confusing for you, but I promise you, we're set on Luna. You came into my life at such an opportune time; when I was hurting most and when I needed a furry friend to pull my mind away from the confusion of life. When Mama told me we were getting you, I screamed until I lost my voice. That's how excited I was.

We drove to New Hampshire, a week ago today, and we waited eagerly in a busy Wal-Mart parking lot. I watched as a truck with a huge gray trailer rounded the corner to where we were standing. My heart skipped a beat and an unexpected wave of emotion washed over me. I was nervous. Nothing felt certain; what if you were some aggressive serial killer doggy? Brushing that thought out of my mind, I grabbed our leash and ran over the truck. People were lined up but of course Mom didn't realize that. She was just too excited! We saw some of your siblings coming out and both of us ran to the man who was dealing with the pape
rwork. "Darci! We're here to pick up Darci!!," Mom exclaimed.

Before I knew it, there you were, cradled in the arms of the driver. He handed you over to me and my heart melted. A tear or two fell from eyes. You were (and still are!) so beautiful. I kissed you a million times and told you how I was already in love with you. You were perfectly still as I carried you over the small grassy patch near the parking lot. I lay on the grou
nd while you climbed all over me, licking my face, stepping on my stomach, tickling my ear and giving me some much needed and appreciated puppy love. In an instant, I fell even more in love and I knew that you were going to be a special gem. You slept for the entire ride home. We could tell you were something else!

We'd only been home for about five minutes before eight or nine of my friends showed up. We sat on the kitchen floor while you romped among us, giving a balanced amount of love to each person. You charmed us all! Whenever we're in crowds of people like that, I'm so happy to call you mine.

When we were preparing to come get you, I only thought of the good stuff that puppies bring. I forgot about the fact that you little critters love to eat and get into everything, pee on the floor and get up insanely early. I know this sounds silly but I expected you to fix everything; to take away all my pain and worries and to only bring happiness. I'll be honest, I had high expectations. And baby girl, don't get me wrong, I love you to death and you know that. But, when in the course of an hour, you shredded a picture of Dasher, peed on my rug, ate a piece of paper, and bit my ear, I was upset. I know you're a puppy and all but those little moments forced me to return to my grieving of Dasher which I had so conveniently placed on the back burner. For an instant, I felt like I loved her more. And I did love her more and it will always be that way. But let me tell you, I love you as much as my little heart will let me. With Dasher, she had my full heart. With you, you have 99.9% of it because Dasher still has that little .1%. And what was I thinking getting mad at you for little things like that? You're a puppy. Puppies do that. We're working on our gentle discipline and our training. You're doing really well. You can already sit and you come when we clap, just after one week.

Luna love, you bring us endless hours of joy. I love you more with each second and each kiss that you give me. Thank you for never peeing more than once in the house each day, for sleeping through the night, for being such a happy girl and for filling that large gap in my heart. You're my little savior and I love you to the moon and back. Never forget that.


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