Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful ruining my day. (NOT.)

Dear Mom,

Thanks for ruining my day. My day today AND my day yesterday. Last night I actually went to bed angry...and going to bed angry is a big no-no for me. And this is a letter, not for you, but for me, to get all this anger out. Because god knows...if I sent this letter to you you'd probably kill me in my sleep tonight. So, it will stay right here on this blog and you will never have to see it.

Let's get the facts straight. Last night, you BEGGED me to watch the Biggest Loser with you. So, I came into the living room, and pulled up the big brown chair next to you. You were sitting in the green chair, right next to the fire. About halfway through the two hour show, you got up. I stole your chair. It's a usual routine for us. Either I steal the green chair by the fire from you or you steal it from me. We're both kind people so usually we just accept it because it's only fair...You get it for one half and I get it for the other. Last night was different I guess. I stole the chair and you went ballistic. Being the stubborn curmudgeon that I supposedly am, I didn't budge. Why would I? You got it for half the night, I got it for the other half. I thought the whole situation was funny, that you were getting so worked about me stealing your chair. You did not. You were being immature and selfish. I suggested that maybe you could have the green chair if I could have the brown one by the fire. No. Not an option apparently. Eventually, after a little arguing, you yelled "Fuck you, Sophie. You're so selfish. Enjoy the fire." And you stomped up the stairs and SLAMMED your door. Wow. That's really all I have to say.

Around 9:30, while I was thoroughly enjoying the fire and the television, I got really sleepy. I moved onto the floor with a pillow and a blanket, curled up, and fell asleep. I went into a deep sleep. Like so deep, that I didn't even notice when you mom came downstairs and shut off all the lights except for the ones in the living room. I woke up at 12:30am, SO confused. What was I doing asleep on the living room floor at 12:30am? Would it have been THAT hard to wake me up? Did you really not have the courtesy to simply tell me to move upstairs? Thanks a lot. I woke up and was really tired and I contemplated staying down there, but ended up going upstairs. It was so late and I was so tired that I didn't have much time to process the night, thus, I went to bed feeling angry.

This morning I prayed that you had forgotten about last night and that maybe we could completely forgive and forget. I guess not. We put it aside for most of the morning until we started arguing about my buying a new camera (honestly?) and you completely lost it...and then I did. We had a good fight....and by good, I won't talk to me now. And I'm feeling mad and upset that my day is already ruined.

I'm really hoping that you will chill out before we have to get Lucy. Sure would suck to come home to this.

Happy Thanksgiving Day Eve...I hope yours is better than mine.

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