Friday, April 29, 2011

Guess Who's Back, Back, Back, Back Again....

That title is really lame. I'm sorry. But it's true, I'm back, for now at least. I go through periods of time where all I feel like doing is getting my thoughts out on paper, or in this case, the computer screen, and other times, like the past month, I simply haven't had many words to share. But it's Spring and that makes me happy. I'm quite ready for some sunshine.

Today is Friday. Halle-freaking-lujah. This weekend I am:
-Going out for dinner with my beloved grandparents, my uncle and his lovely girlfriend and of course, my mother.
-Hanging out with one of my best friends, Tara, whom I really need to catch up with.
-Going to see this movie with Tara and my mom. I'm excited.
-Hiking Tuckerman's Ravine!
-Doing homework and sleeping (what else?).
Image via

Have a wonderful weekend.

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