Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday Blues
I forgot how tiring school days are. Maybe it will snow sometime in the next few days. A lot. Like, enough for a snow day. But it's highly unlikely. Oh well.
I can't wait to make it over the hump tomorrow. (And freeze my @$$ off skiing tomorrow evening.) Yes, I just used "@$$" for "ass". Hahahah.
Monday, January 24, 2011
A Happy Start to the Week.
Saturday, my mom and I did some spring, wait, no...winter cleaning. Felt good. Then we forced ourselves to go to the gym. I got an hour or so of much needed exercise in. Also felt good. Saturday night I was at my dad's. We watched The Kids Are All Right which was a great movie, IF YOU'RE NOT WATCHING IT WITH YOUR FATHER AND STEP MOM. I'm telling you, these movies really need a warning on the cover that goes something like this: "This movie contains multiple sex scenes, including some lesbian sex and quite a bit of foul language. Don't watch with parents." The story was cute though and the acting was good.
Sunday was relaxing. I cleaned my room at my dad's. My room there never really gets messy since I don't have many of my belongings there but it does get DUSTY which is just nasty. A little of this did the trick. In the afternoon, Jess and our friend Helena and I went to see No Strings Attached.
Quite honestly, the trailed doesn't do the movie justice. The only reason I wanted to see it was because I realized (after seeing Black Swan) just how great of an actress Natalie Portman is and I was curious to see how things would go with Ashton Kutcher who, despite his hotness, is not someone you would expect to see acting right alongside Portman. It turned out to be one of the best chick flicks I've seen in a long time! It's funny, flirty and cute! It was interesting to see Portman play such a light role after Black Swan, but she definitely rocked it. Kutcher was just adorable. Go see it. You'll agree.
Today I didn't have to be at school until 9:30 to take my last exam which, lucky for me, was just my art final. It is SO incredibly cold here. We're talkin' negatives. Made for a numbing walk home from school. Luckily I had four amigos to join me on the journey. Then I got to cook lunch for them. Then we had a tea party. Then they all left for track practice and since skiing was canceled (see the second and third sentence of this paragraph), I'm in for the night. Something about this cold weather makes me want to never leave the house and I'm okay with that.
I'm ready for things to get back to normal. Now that Henry and Lucy are gone, my mom and I feel like empty nesters but at the same time, we're realizing that it's time return to our usual routines. Plus, exams are over and a new semester is beginning. This will be good.
[Regarding my original fun weekend plans: Things changed. (They always seem to!) But, on the bright side, that little get-together will be rescheduled. And, I've already made plans for this coming weekend. I'm suddenly planning things in advance...oh my! What fun!]
Have a happy week. And don't freeze your tush off...because then that would make two frozen tushes, mine being the first.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
It's midterm week, yo.
-I'm halfway through my sophomore year!
-I got out of school at 9:30am today, 11am yesterday and tomorrow and Friday I'll get out at 11am as well.
-I only have three more midterms.
-I have fun weekend plans {Skating, burritos and a movie marathon with the best friends in the world}.
-I went to bed at 2:30am yesterday morning AND this morning.
-I managed to turn my alarm off in my sleep and I woke to a text at 7:29 this morning--I had to be at school by 7:40. I didn't even get my morning pee in (TMI?).
-The chem midterm that I took today totally kicked my ass.
-Pandora won't let me listen to music for the rest of the month--they have a 40 hour limit each month.
-Tonight is Lucy's last night here. This is the baddest.
Wanna see something really cute?
Lex & Loren - Engagement/Save the date! from Loren Brinton Films on Vimeo.
Oh yeah, and, Happy Hump Day.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Goodbye and Hello.
When I look back on the 365 days that made up this past year, so many thoughts race through my head. This year was full of laughter, transformation, changes, realizations, revelations, soul-searching and joy. There sure were some trials--some moments where all I wanted to do was give up. (Quite a few actually…but that’s only human, right?) But, 2010 taught me to take each day at a time and appreciate every little moment I have in this Life. Want a little review of my year? Yeah? Okay here it is.
I honestly don't have much recollection of the first few months. I remember surviving my first set of high school mid-year exams, doing some skiing and getting a new cell phone. Those weren't very exciting months for me. In April I was scheduled to leave for France (with a school group) on the 17th but the trip was postponed to June due to the volcano in Iceland that created ash clouds that covered Europe and created serious havoc in airports. We ended up leaving June 20th, the day after school got out for the summer. It was perfect. Our minds were free of scholarly thoughts, the weather was wonderful, everyone was in good spirits, we packed a LOT into the time we had there and an amazing time was had by all.

August was filled with lots of field hockey...camp for a week and then pre-season for two weeks. September 1st marked the start of a new school year which is, as of this week, half way over. Thank god. But, the best part of August? Getting my drivers permit! It took me most of the fall to get back into the routine of school and homework and all that jazz but I must say it felt good to be back in the swing of things. December brought a nice trip to Montreal (that deserves it's own post), some snow and my favorite of all, some serious bonding with my sister.
2010 made me a happier person and just thinking about that makes me happy. I learned a lot this year and I have even more to learn...which is why 2011 is here. Hooray for another year! Happy 2011, y'all.
Note: I have no clue why this post took so long...perhaps it was my scattered thoughts that took a long time to compile...or maybe it's that I was just plain old neglecting bloggy.